Regina ! Triumph And Tragedy Event Information page

Regina ! Triumph And Tragedy

Event details

  • Event times:
    • Start : 7.00pm
  • Venue : Pavilions Teignmouth - Auditorium
8th June
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A double bill of operas celebrating 20 years of South Devon Singers and 10 years of Red Earth Opera. 

Two live performances with interval refreshments available at the bar. Sit back and relax whilst our professional soloists, backed by our experienced choral singers, deliver what promises to be a night to remember. Tonight's programme, conducted by Jane Anderson-Brown, tells powerful stories about two great Queens which have resonated through our history and culture, then and since! 

Henry Purcell's English opera, "Dido and Aeneas", and David Haines' "Armadadrama" were premiered 299 years apart - and their contrasting stories are separated by thousands of years! David is completing his first 20 years as Musical Director of the Community Choir, South Devon Singers, and Jane Anderson-Brown her first 10 as Director of the community opera company, Red Earth Opera. Both companies perform, at a variety of venues across the South Hams and beyond, to enthusiastic audiences.

Queen Dido is believed to have been the founder and first Queen of Carthage. She probably lived in the 9th century BC and was worshipped as a goddess! "Dido and Aeneas" is based on an account in Homer's epic poem, the Aeneid. The tragedy is that, despite Dido's initial reluctance, she succumbs to temptation by falling in love with the visiting Trojan prince, Aeneas. But he ultimately abandons her, departing to become the original founder of Rome, leaving her to a death foreshadowed in Purcell's widely-known song, "Dido's Lament".

Queen Elizabeth I of England is depicted historically as a single-minded 16th Century ruler who would never allow herself to be side-tracked by romance, however tempting. "Armadadrama", described in much more detail below, re-tells the story of the Spanish Armada through a wide range of human perspectives from both sides. Shapshot scenes of the unfolding events are depicted in songs with contrasting styles, linked together by short narrations. The impact of the work highlights a tragic thread linking so many wars through human history.

Professional soloists will feature prominently in both works: Grace Lovelass will vividly portray each of our Queens in turn; Ceri Davies and Iryna Ilnytska will thrill the audience with their solos as well as joining performers from the choruses to bring Aeneas, King Philip and an array of other dramatic characters to life. A small orchestra will accompany both works, also playing the baroque interludes and dances of Purcell's glorious music, along with Haines' striking settings for high drama and poignant events on both sea and shore!  

Performance time 2 hrs 30-40 mins including interval.

Tickets - Adults - £15, Seniors - £11, Students & Children £8.  Family ticket (2 adults + 2 children) - £32.  Booking fee per transaction - £1 on telephone & internet sales, 50p at the Box Office. 

Details of South Devon Singers and Red Earth Opera are available on and


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