Keeping It Local: Support Local Businesses To Support Local People Event Information page

Keeping It Local: Support Local Businesses To Support Local People

Event details

  • Event times:
    • Start : 7.00pm
  • Venue : Pavilions Teignmouth - Studio
17th May

Keeping It Local

Support Local Businesses To Support Local People

Do you live locally and would like to find out what small businesses are available in the area?

Join our first Keeping It Local event to find some of the hidden gems of businesses Teignbridge has to offer.

Short talk from Chloe Myers author of 'Work Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard'.

If you have a small business and interested in joining, please contact Caroline Directly on 07810501385

Book your ticket using the link below to ensure you have a chance of winning some of the fantastic prizes on offer on the night!

7pm to 8pm

Book your space here

Free Entry!

& welcome drink!

Image Gallery – click to view the larger version

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