Exhibition - Keith Bowcock Event Information page

Exhibition - Keith Bowcock

Event details

  • Event times:
    • Start : 10.00am | End : 3.00pm
  • Venue : Pavilions Teignmouth - Foyer
24th March to 25th April




I moved to Devon from the Midlands in 1983, my career at the time being in interior design. I lived in both the Torbay and South Hams areas and now reside in Teignmouth.

Painting has always been a hobby of mine, however in recent years this hobby has become much more of a passion. It is only since 2012 that I have really put my heart and soul into it, exploring the use of both watercolour and acrylic. However, I have found the excitement of using oils the most gratifying.

One of my main skills has been in the field of ‘observing; my hobbies including ornithology, nature and photography. When you are observing as I am then it is all about the detail. I like to think that this passion for detail is reflected in my work. I look particularly for light, detail and colour quality, having first considered the composition.

Many of my oil paintings have been reproduced in high quality Giclee prints (colourfast up to 75 years) which have sold well to all parts of the globe. Most recently some of my prints have been reproduced in miniature form which can suit people with limited space and are often bought as gifts for friends and family. My greetings cards depicting local places are always popular.

I have the honour in the last 5 years of having two of my paintings selected and published in the INTERNATIONAL ARTIST MAGAZINE. I was awarded Top Ten Finalist for “The Thrill Seekers “and “Daybreak over the Estuary “ in their annual Seascapes , Rivers and Lakes Competition .

There is obvious satisfaction when an artist sells their work but for me the added bonus is that the purchaser has found a CONNECTION with what has been produced. Some people have related some of their stories to me and I have found them rather moving and satisfying that my work could be on their wall for many years transmitting that emotional response.


A selection of Keith's original works and prints will be on dispaly in the main foyer from 24th March - 25th April 2025. All pieces will be available for sale and entry to vierw exhibitions is, as always, completely free of charge. 

Image Gallery – click to view the larger version

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